IPP researcher’s collaborative policy research published by the World Health Organization


The Asia-Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (APO) recently released a comparative country study entitled “Public-private mix for continuity of care for older persons: study of select countries in the Asia Pacific region”. Professor Alex Jingwei He, Associate Professor of the Division of Public Policy and Acting Director of the Institute for Public Policy, is a key member of the multinational interdisciplinary research consortium. In collaboration with prominent scholars in India, South Korea, and Mainland China, Professor He has been engaged in this comparative health policy research since 2021. This report is intended to draw useful lessons for health policymakers in the Asia Pacific region to strengthen the continuity of care for the elderly population through public private collaborations. Housed under the World Health Organization, the APO is a key collaborative partnership of governments in the region, international agencies, foundations, and researchers that promotes evidence-informed health system policy regionally and in all countries in the Asia Pacific region. The full report is available at https://apo.who.int/publications/i/item/public-private-mix-for-continuity-of-care-for-older-persons-study-of-select-countries-in-the-asia-pacific-region.


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