Appointment of Director of IPP


Prof. Ye QI



Prof. Ye QI is newly on board as the Director of IPP from 14 January 2019. He is concurrently a Professor in the Division of Public Policy.

Prior to joining HKUST, Prof. Qi has held faculty positions at the State University of New York, Cornell University, University of California, Berkeley, Beijing Normal University, and most recently at Tsinghua University where he was the Cheung Kong Endowed Chair Professor of the School of Public Policy and Management and Volkswagen Endowed Chair Professor of Sustainability of Schwarzman College. He also served as the Director of Brookings-Tsinghua Centre for Public Policy in Beijing. Prof. Qi obtained his Master degree in Ecology from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1986 and received his PhD in Environmental Science from the State University of New York and the Syracuse University in 1994. His research programs tackle some of the most critical environmental challenges globally, such as environmental sustainability, energy transition and climate change. As a public policy scholar with science background, Prof. Qi is well-positioned to lead interdisciplinary research by drawing from research strength across HKUST in science, social science, engineering, business and public policy.


HKUST Institute for Public Policy

