The New Energy Future

Course Name (for Listing)

The New Energy Future


Program Overview

The world is still recovering from the effects of the 2008-2009 global recession. As these effects continue to be felt, many unresolved economic issues add to the uncertainty associated with long-term assessment of world energy markets. In addition to concerns about the pace of world economic growth, other events have added further uncertainty to this year's energy outlook. Political unrest in several North African and Middle Eastern nations has persisted, most notably in Syria, but elsewhere as well. Unrest in the Middle East has been one reason that oil prices have steadily increased and been projected to reach $106 per barrel in 2020 and $163 per barrel in 2040[1]. High oil prices can affect consumer demand for liquid fuels, encouraging the use of less energy or alternative forms of energy, but also encouraging more efficient use of energy. Energy efficiency improvements are anticipated in every end-use sector.


This program examines the key factors stemming from both market forces and government policies on adoption of different energy sources and the subsequent energy mix, and the implications for the roles of alternative fuel in energy mix.  


The HKUST Leadership and Public Policy Programs brings home authoritative voices on chosen topics of policy relevance to Hong Kong and the region. The Programs provides executive education for senior executives to stimulate innovative thinking, debate hot issues and enhance effective leadership in various aspects of public life.
