Call for Papers: One Hour for Young Talents Workshop (Winter 2024 at HKUST)

The “One Hour for Young Talents” Winter 2024 Workshop will be jointly organized by the China Public Administration Review (C-PAR), along with the Institute for Public Policy and the Division of Public Policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Each selected paper will be allotted a one-hour independent discussion session. An invited expert will introduce the paper from the reader's perspective and provide in-depth commentary from an expert's viewpoint. The author will then respond to the expert's comments, followed by an in-depth discussion of the selected paper between the author, the invited expert, and the workshop participants. The workshop will be conducted in person and will accept no more than eight papers.
1. The first author or corresponding author of the paper must be a young scholar. There is no age limit, but the term “young” refers specifically to scholars who are either currently studying or have been engaged in academic work for less than four years after obtaining their degree.
2. The paper must be an unpublished, original research article in the field of public administration. The workshop particularly encourages submissions of papers that have not yet been presented at other conferences.
3. Both Chinese and English abstracts are welcome.
4. The workshop is looking for papers that exhibit clear innovation in either ideas or methodology.
Note: Selection for the workshop series does not constitute a commitment for publication in C-PAR, nor does it imply any obligation to publish in C-PAR.
1. By September 15, 2024: Authors are required to submit a detailed abstract of their paper, outlining the research question, theoretical concerns, and proposed methodology. The abstract in Chinese should be approximately 800 characters and not exceed 1,000 characters, while the English abstract should be around 500 words and not exceed 600 words. Please also include a brief biography of the author with the submission.
2. By October 1, 2024: The editorial team of C-PAR will notify authors of the abstract review results. Notifications will be categorized into three types: accepted, not accepted, and waitlisted.
3. By October 7, 2024: Authors confirm their participation. Those who confirm participation will work with the workshop organizers to finalize the list of invited experts. The organizers will extend the invitations and cover the expenses. The invited experts will receive the full paper ten days before the workshop begins.
4. By December 6, 2024: Authors submit the full text of their papers.
5. On December 20, 2024: The workshop will be held.
Key Dates
Abstract Submission: September 15, 2024
Abstract Review Notification: October 1, 2024
Author Confirmation: October 7, 2024
Full Paper Submission: December 6, 2024
Workshop Date: December 20, 2024
Submission Guidelines
1. The only accepted submission channel is via email to:
2. Please indicate the following in the email subject line: [One Hour for Young Talents Winter 2024] Author + Article Title," and attach the submission abstract and author biography (combined into a single document).
Special Notes
1. The workshop does not charge any fees to young scholars.
2. Upon request, the workshop can provide a travel subsidy of up to 2,500 RMB (reimbursed based on actual expenses, economy class) for one young scholar per selected paper to cover round-trip transportation from their domestic residence to the conference location. Accommodation and meals during the workshop will be provided by the organizers at the venue.
3. Organizations interested in hosting future "One Hour for Young Talents" workshops or individuals wishing to sponsor academic activities are welcome to contact us.
4. Selection for the workshop series does not constitute an evaluation of the paper's quality. Selection takes into account factors such as the paper's potential for development, thematic relevance among selected papers, and the organizing capacity of the event host.
5. Invited experts are encouraged to provide written comments.
6. Any matters not covered will be interpreted by the event organizers.
China Public Administration Review
Institute for Public Policy and Division of Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
August 15, 2024